Funding Assistance
West Virginia’s SBIR / STTR Assistance
What Services Does the
FAST Program Provide to West Virginia?
The West Virginia FAST program is designed to support and assist early-stage founders, inventors, and entrepreneurs navigate and apply to the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. The FAST program is made possible through the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program.
What are SBIR and STTR grants?
Through America’s Seed Fund and administered by the SBA, the SBIR and STTR grant programs support small businesses in conducting innovative R&D with commercialization potential.
What is the FAST Program?
The Federal and State Technology (FAST) Partnership Program provides funding to organizations to execute state/regional programs that increase the number of SBIR/STTR proposals leading to an increase in the number of SBIR/STTR awards from women, socially/economically disadvantaged individuals, and small businesses in underrepresented areas - typically rural states.